Studying Nursing Abroad: Countries, Price, Universities and Colleges

Nursing is a highly demanded healthcare profession that requires high qualifications and strong knowledge of medicine and patient care. An increasing number of people have shown interest in studying nursing abroad due to the advantages it offers, such as high-quality education and exposure to advanced patient treatment and care methods. Nursing education abroad provides numerous benefits, and international students can enroll in nursing programs in various countries.

Bachelor’s Degree in  Nursing Abroad

Bachelor nursing programs at universities and colleges abroad are a perfect solution for those who want to get a high-quality education and start their medical and healthcare career. The programs provide high-quality education and practical experience in anatomy, physiology, psychology, medical ethics, and professional development. 

Admission requirements

  • Secondary education;
  • Adequate level of English proficiency (usually it’s B2 and higher according to Common European Framework of Reference).
  • Filled-in online enrollment application on a university or college website.
  • Copies of educational documents (diplomas, certificates).
  • Certificates confirming the test results.
  • Motivation letter (usually in English), in which you need to explain why you want to study at this university or college and why you’ve chosen this major.
  • Letters of recommendation from teachers or mentors (usually two or three letters are required).

Some universities and colleges may also require passing extra exams or tests to assess a student’s knowledge level in particular fields. Be sure to thoroughly study all the requirements and prepare all the documents and papers required for submitting the application in due time.

The process of enrollment in a Bachelor’s of Nursing abroad may slightly vary depending on the educational institution.

Master’s Degree in Nursing Abroad

A Master's degree represents the highest level of professional education and prepares students for a successful career. 

  • Enrollment application.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing or equivalent education.
  • CV (Lat. Curriculum vitae – a brief chronological description of your life, education, and work experience).
  • Letters of recommendation from teachers or employers.
  • English language proficiency tests, such as IELTS or TOEFL.
  • Documents confirming work experience, if required.

  • Choose a university and a program: You should analyze information and choose those universities and programs that correspond to your goals and interests.
  • Collect documents: The following documents are usually required to enroll in most graduate nursing programs.
  • Submit the application: After collecting all the required documents, you need to fill in and submit the application for enrollment in the university. Applications can be submitted online on the university’s website or by mail. Usually, universities provide precise instructions on the application procedure.
  • Wait for a decision: After you’ve submitted your application, the university will consider it, as well as your documents. Depending on the educational institution, this process may take a few weeks or months. If a response is positive, you’ll need to confirm your plans to enroll in the university by paying the tuition fees.
  • Get a visa: If you are accepted into the university, you’ll need to get a student visa to study at a foreign university. Usually, this process takes a few weeks or months and may vary depending on the country where the university is located. You may need additional documents to get the visa, such as confirmation of financial solvency, airplane tickets, and medical insurance.
  • Prepare for studies: After getting the student visa and paying tuition fees, you must prepare for the academic activities and adaptation in a new country. This may include finding a place to live, studying the curriculum and literature, and buying required textbooks.

To have enough time to collect documents, search for programs and prepare for studies, it’s recommended to start preparing for applying for study nursing abroad in advance.

Foreign universities may impose different requirements, procedures and deadlines for submitting applications to enroll in graduate nursing programs for international students. Contact specific universities and programs to get accurate information.

Majors in Patient Care

Some of the majors you can choose as part of the nursing training include Nursing in General Medicine, Pediatrics, Oncology, and Anesthesiology. There are other majors, such as nursing in maternity wards, in intensive care units, rehabilitation centers, and nursing homes.

The educational programs may vary from professional development programs to comprehensive university courses, depending on the country and region. Some countries also require a license or certificate.

The World’s Best Nursing Universities

Training in nursing is an important medical field, and many universities all over the globe offer relevant programs. The following is a table that contains a detailed description of the best educational institutions in different countries that offer training in nursing according QS Ranking:

University of Pennsylvania, USA

The Basic Aspects of Patient Care program includes development of nursing skills and clinical experience on a high-tech simulator.

King's College London, UK

The Patient Care Experience training course includes practical care skills and work with various groups of patients.

Johns Hopkins University, USA

The Patient Care program includes training at medical sciences and clinical practice, as well as specialized training in nursing.

University of Washington, USA

The program includes training on a high-tech simulator and practical experience in various clinical environments.

University of Southampton, UK

The training course covers theoretical and practical aspects of caring for patients with various diseases.

The University of Manchester, UK

The program includes training in clinical practice and team working with medical specialists.

Yale University, USA

The course includes training in clinical practice, as well as research and training in healthcare.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

The educational module includes training in theoretical and practical aspects of nursing, as well as basics of medical sciences and general patient care. As part of their training, students have the opportunity to gain real-life experience in various clinical environments.

University of Alberta, Canada

The program includes training in clinical practice, communication with patients and their families, as well as cooperation with medical specialists.

University of Toronto, Canada

The program includes training in clinical practice, research and training in healthcare.

These universities offer a wide range of educational programs that provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully work as a nurse. Many of them are leading research centers, thus providing students a unique experience with advanced methods and technologies in the field.

Careers for Nurses with University Degrees

Nursing is an internationally demanded profession, with many career opportunities in the sector being available in various countries, including Canada, the USA, the UK, and Australia. A table below contains brief information about nursing career opportunities in different countries:


Number of job openings

Annual average pay

Annual tuition fee



80,000 CAD

20,000-40,000 CAD



75,000 USD

21,000 USD (New York University)



32,000 GBP

16,000-23,000 GBP (The University of Edinburgh)



75,000 AUD

32,000-46,000 AUD (The University of Sydney)

Many universities offer different types of scholarships for students studying nursing, which can range from full coverage of tuition fees to partial support. Scholarships may be based on academic achievements, merits, or other criteria. There are grants available for various purposes, including paying for books and equipment, research and conferences.

Frequently Asked Questions about Studying Nursing Abroad

Nursing is a healthcare profession that implies taking care for patients and helping with their treatment and rehabilitation.

To study nursing abroad, you need to choose a country, pass exams, apply for enrollment, wait for the results, get a student visa, and start preparing for studies and adaptation in a new country.

You can find information about undergraduate nursing programs abroad on the websites of universities and colleges specializing in healthcare training.

Feel free to reach out to EduMapple for guidance. We can assist you in selecting a program and help with document preparation and admission.

The language proficiency requirements to enroll in a nursing program abroad may vary depending on the university and the country. The most popular language tests are TOEFL and IELTS. A certain number of points is usually required to enroll in nursing programs. The required number depends on the university and the educational program.

The duration of an undergraduate nursing program abroad may vary depending on the university and the country. Usually, an undergraduate nursing program takes from three to four years to complete.

Nursing programs abroad offer many majors, such as anesthesia nurse, pediatric nurse, oncological nurse, operating nurse, surgical nurse, and many others.

In modern nursing, a variety of technologies are used, including electronic medical documentation, infection control systems, medication management systems, patients’ vitals monitoring, and many others.

A successful nurse should have such qualities as empathy, patience, responsibility, teamwork skills, flexibility, decision-making and time management skills.

A successful nursing career abroad requires communication and leadership skills, technical skills, and proficiency in the scientific basis of patient care.

Graduates of nursing programs have job prospects in a variety of healthcare institutions, such as hospitals, clinics, rehabilitation wards, and nursing homes.

Anna Pukshanskaia