




Educational programs

Total items: 386
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Bachelor of Technology (Hons) - Software Development

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

This four-year honors bachelor's program is designed to teach you everything you need to know about programming languages and give you the technical expertise to put that information to use.

System analysis, design concepts, and database management are among the other disciplines represented…

Bachelor Canada Toronto 4 years 20,457 CAD/year Mixed
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Bachelor (Hons) - Therapeutic Recreation

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

This is a four-year degree program that teaches students how to use a strengths-based strategy when working with clients through the assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of therapeutic recreation interventions.

Therapeutic recreation's ultimate goal is to restore clients…

Bachelor Canada Toronto 4 years 19,996 CAD/year Mixed
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Diploma - Flight Services (Operations & Cabin Management)

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

In just two years, you can graduate from this prestigious diploma program and be prepared for an exciting career in the airline business thanks to the practical, hands-on training you'll receive.

You will gain insight into the roles and duties of flight attendants, including those related…

Diploma Canada Toronto 2 years 17,113 CAD/year Mixed
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Certificate - Hospitality Foundations

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

You can enter a variety of positions in the growing hospitality business after completing this eight-month certificate program.

You'll learn the ins and outs of the hospitality business, including how to cook, how to lead a team, how to keep guests and employees safe, how to put theory into…

Certificate Canada Toronto 1 year 17,187 CAD Mixed
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Certificate - Human Resources Management

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Organizations in Canada are putting more stress on strategic human resources management as a means of adapting to the changing workforce brought on by factors such as an aging population, rising retirement rates, and a tough economic climate.

Professionals with expertise in human resources…

Certificate Canada Toronto 1 year 17,627 CAD Mixed
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Diploma - Illustration

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

This two-year creative diploma program will prepare you for a career as an illustrator by exposing you to both conventional and digital illustration methods, as well as the business side of the industry.

Focus areas of the curriculum include illustration for children's books, comics, advertisements,…

Diploma Canada Toronto 2 years 21,140 CAD/year Mixed
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Certificate - Independent Songwriting & Performance

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

The curriculum of this eight-month certificate program includes instruction in composition, studio recording, live performance, vocal technique, and music theory.

The program provides instruction in the fundamentals of the technical and business abilities necessary to enter the job market.…

Certificate Canada Toronto 1 year 21,651 CAD Mixed
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Certificate - Infant & Early Child Mental Health

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

In just eight months, you can learn everything you need to know to become an expert in the field of mental health for babies and toddlers. Increase your employability by learning how to better the mental health of children and young adults.

To better assist young families and promote good…

Certificate Canada Toronto 1 year 17,782 CAD Mixed
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Diploma - Interactive Media Design

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Digital strategy and multimedia application design, development, implementation, and administration are the focus of this two-year diploma program.

Studying graphic design, motion graphics, web technologies, and even an introduction to gaming and visual effects software will equip you with…

Diploma Canada Toronto 2 years 18,044 CAD/year Mixed
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

Certificate - International Business Management

Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology

This eight-month graduate certificate program will teach you everything you need to know about the intricate world of foreign business and take your business acumen to the next level.

Your instructors are seasoned experts in the field who have worked in the modern, international business…

Certificate Canada Toronto 1 year 17,627 CAD Mixed