Master of Science - Data Analytics and Human Resource Management

1 year
10,550 GBP
Rolling admission
Rolling admission
United Kingdom
Arden University

Program description

Our MSc in Data Analytics and HRM can help you advance your career. This course teaches you how to use data analysis to make better HR decisions.

This course will provide you a thorough grasp of current discussions in the field of human resource management, especially those involving statistical and data analytics, as well as the practical applications of these ideas to managing people and human resources.

In the end, this cutting-edge degree will equip you with a combination of data analysis and HR management skills that will speed up your ascent to a senior position. You'll also have lots of chances to put what you learn into practice in your everyday work, giving you a chance to impress your present or potential employers right away.

Just a few of the roles you could progress to include:

  • Senior Manager
  • Data Manager
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Human Resource Manager
  • Pay and Reward Specialist
  • Global HR Practitioner
  • HR Analyst

Program structure


  • Data Design
  • Data Handling and Decision Making
  • Data Visualisation and Interpretation
  • HRM in Context
  • Managing the Human Resource
  • Reward Management
  • Research Project



  • Total Fee - 10,550 GBP

Requirements for applicants

  • A UK Honours Degree at a minimum of second class (2.2) or equivalent

English Proficiency

  • IELTS 6.5 (no less than 6.0 in any element); or TOEFL iBT 90; or equivalent
  • Alternatively, evidence you have previously studied in English; a letter to show that the Medium of Instruction was in English can be accepted

About the university

Arden University provides flexible and accessible higher education. From our beginnings in 1990 as the online learning partner for British institutions, we've developed to provide both online and blended learning degree programmes that match the needs of modern living. We offer more than 90 career-focused degrees, many of which are recognised by the British Psychological Society, the Chartered Management Institute, the Chartered Institute of Marketing, the Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation, the Association for Project Management, and others.

Our mission is to shape business. You choose the self-development course and learning style, and we'll provide you the skills and insight to succeed.

Many of our students work, have families, and other commitments while studying, yet they require a Degree, Master's, or MBA to maximize their career. We love offering students the flexibility to study and attain their goals, even when they're too busy to visit a study center or be on a schedule. We hope you'll join.

Read more about Arden University, UK

Master Data Analytics Human Resource Management degree
Master Data Analytics Human Resource Management tuition fees
Master Data Analytics Human Resource Management review
Master Data Analytics Human Resource Management admission
Master Data Analytics Human Resource Management Germany
Master Data Analytics Human Resource Management United Kingdom
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