Master of Science - Data Analytics and Finance

1 year
10,550 GBP
Rolling admission
Rolling admission
United Kingdom
Arden University

Program description

Employers in the finance industry nowadays require qualified professionals with in-depth knowledge of financial markets. Additionally, they are looking for graduates who can use statistical modeling in the context of the increasingly sophisticated data that financial institutions currently have at their disposal.

If you are interested in big data and data analysis and want to work in the financial and investments sector in a specialized and highly compensated capacity, our data analytics and finance MSc course is the ideal choice for you. It will teach you these abilities.

You'll study subjects like business modeling, data visualization, financial management, and more with course material that is frequently updated to reflect the most recent advancements in this quick-paced industry. At the conclusion of your final year, you'll also have the opportunity to complete your own original research project.

Program structure


  • Data Design
  • Data Handling and Decision Making
  • Data Visualisation and Interpretation
  • Business Modelling for Decision Making
  • Financial Management
  • Reporting Corporate Performance
  • Research Project


Studying online

  • Total Fee - 10,550 GBP

Requirements for applicants

  • A UK Honours Degree at a minimum of second class (2.2) or equivalent

English Proficiency

  • IELTS 6.5 (no less than 6.0 in any element); or TOEFL iBT 90; or equivalent
  • Alternatively, evidence you have previously studied in English; a letter to show that the Medium of Instruction was in English can be accepted

About the university

Arden University provides flexible and accessible higher education. From our beginnings in 1990 as the online learning partner for British institutions, we've developed to provide both online and blended learning degree programmes that match the needs of modern living. We offer more than 90 career-focused degrees, many of which are recognised by the British Psychological Society, the Chartered Management Institute, the Chartered Institute of Marketing, the Agency for Public Health Education Accreditation, the Association for Project Management, and others.

Our mission is to shape business. You choose the self-development course and learning style, and we'll provide you the skills and insight to succeed.

Many of our students work, have families, and other commitments while studying, yet they require a Degree, Master's, or MBA to maximize their career. We love offering students the flexibility to study and attain their goals, even when they're too busy to visit a study center or be on a schedule. Learn what our students think by clicking the link below. They're all distinct people who've realized their goals through studying with Arden. We hope you'll join.

Read more about Arden University, UK

Master Data Analytics Finance degree
Master Data Analytics Finance admission
Master Data Analytics Finance Germany
Master Data Analytics Finance tuition fees
Master Data Analytics Finance Arden University
Master Data Analytics Finance review
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