Bachelor of International Business - Hotel and Tourism Management
- 3 years
- Duration
- From 43,100 CHF/year
- Price
- Rolling admission
- Start
- Rolling admission
- Deadline
- Bachelor
- Degree
- Campus
- Format
- Multiple Locations / Switzerland
- Location
- César Ritz College
- School
Program description
During this program you will:
- Embrace an entrepreneurial approach as you learn to be creative and to face the ever-changing business environment
- Immerse yourself in a learning atmosphere that fosters creativity and the spirit of entrepreneurship.
- Hand-on a practical strategy that will lay the groundwork for your future professional success
- Gain information from visiting lecturers at the Carson College of Business at Washington State University through this program, which is offered in cooperation with that institution.
Start Dates: January, July & October
Program structure
1st year (Le Bouveret)
1st Term
- Introduction to Hosputality and Tourism Managment
- Managment Information Systems
- Nutrition, Health, and Special Diets
- Personal Development and Life Skills
- Introduction to Industry Experience
- Introduction ti Food Service
- Language 1 (French or German)
2nd Term
- Fine Dining Operations & Managment
- Business Writing
- Wine and Beverafe Managment
- Mathematics for Hospitality Business
- Language 2 (French or German)
- Switzerland or abroad (4-6 months)
2nd year (Le Bouvert, Brig)
3rd term
- Rooms Division Operations
- Current Global and Social Issues
- Business Statistics
- Microeconomics for Hospitality Managers
- Financial Accounting
4th term
- Hospitality Business Ethics
- Hotel and Restaurant Design
- Macroeconomics for the Tourist Industry
- Managerial Accounting
- Cultural Diversity in Organizations
5th term
- Hospitality and Tourism Law
- International Politics
- Food, Beverage, and Events Managment
- Decision Analysis for Entrepreneurs
- Science for Sustainable Hospitality and Tourism
- Switzerland or abroad (4-6 months)
3rd year (Brig)
6th term
- Innovation: From Creativity to Entrepreneurship
- Financial Managment
- International Tourism
- Business Start-up 1
- Career Managment
- Quantitative Methods for Business
7th term
- Hospitality Marketing for Entrepreneurs
- Hospitality Operational Analysis
- Service Operations Managment
- International Business and Entrepreneurship
- Business Start-up 2
8th term
- Human Resource Managment
- Economics for International Business and Entrepreneurship
- Social Psychology of Hospitality
- Hospitality Leadership and Organizational Behavior
- Strategic Hotel Managment
1st Term
- Tuition - 14,000 CHF
- Accommodation - 3,700 CHF
- Food - 1,650 CHF
- Additional charges - 2,600 CHF
2nd Term
- Tuition - 13,600 CHF
- Accommodation - 3,700 CHF
- Food - 1,650 CHF
- Additional charges - 2,200 CHF
3rd - 8t Term
- Tuition - 13,600 CHF
- Accommodation - 4,700 CHF
- Food - 1,250 CHF
- Additional charges - 2,200 CHF
Requirements for applicants
Admission Requirements:
- High school diploma or International Baccalaureate equivalent
- Swiss Maturité or Swiss commercial vocational baccalaureate or any Vocational Educational Training (VET) equivalent qualification
- English Level: IELTS academic module 5.5 or TOEFL iBT 55
About the university

César Ritz is a renowned business school with an emphasis on entrepreneurship and hospitality which offers students a multi-campus learning experience. Through the use of the most recent research and technology, School promotes a culture of entrepreneurship, sustainability, and leadership in a welcoming learning environment that fosters independebt, creative thinking.
The School's shared governance structure enables internal and external stakeholders to interact with the school community on matters pertaining to overall quality and to ensure ongoing, thorough improvement. The representation of our community, including alumni, partners, students, teachers, and staff, in decisions that have an impact on every area of our community is crucial to César Ritz Colleges Switzerland.
Through the provision of extensive resources, programs, and specialized services on career readiness, internships and employment, we empower students and graduates to make decisions about their futures. We offer specialized events and activities as part of our first-rate services. We will assist you in pursuing intriguing employment and internship possibilities that will get you access to some of the top global sectors. Gain priceless real-world experience, establish relationships with key business stakeholders, and pick the brains of the best in your field.