Bachelor of Science - Chemistry and Biotechnology

3 years
20,000 EUR/year
Sep 2022
Jul 2022
Bremen / Germany
Constructor University - Bremen, Germany

Program description

Chemistry is the scientific study of elements and compounds made up of atoms, molecules, and ions: their composition, structure, behavior, and the changes that occur when they react with other substances. Biotechnology is the application of biology to the solution of real-world problems, with a profit element required. The two disciplines are linked by their molecular approach as well as their enormous commercial importance.

The transdisciplinary CBT study program includes organic, inorganic, analytical, and physical chemistry modules, as well as relevant aspects of mathematics, engineering, and industrial practice. The goal of this study program's biotechnology is to learn how the industry can use biocatalysts and biomolecules to contribute to a more sustainable future. Another major aspect of CBT is biorefining, or the use of renewable rather than fossil resources; this will introduce students to the concept and practice of the "circular economy."
Six semesters of study totaling 180 ECTS credit points comprise the three-year undergraduate program (CP). The 3C-Model, an innovative and student-centered modularization scheme, groups the disciplinary content of the three study years according to overarching themes.

The Chemistry and Biotechnology degree program provides students with the knowledge, research techniques, and problem-solving skills required for a career in chemistry and/or biotechnology, as well as for further studies at the Master's or PhD level.

Program structure

Year 1

  • General Biochemistry
  • General and Inorganic Chemistry
  • Introduction to Biotechnology
  • General Organic Chemistry

Year 2

  • Physical Chemistry
  • Industrial Biotechnology
  • Advanced Inorganic Chemistry
  • Scientific Software and Databanks
  • Advanced Organic/Analytical Chemistry Lab
  • Advanced Organic Chemistry
  • Bioprocess Engineering
  • Advanced Biotechnology Lab
  • Inorganic/Physical Chemistry Lab

Year 3

  • Advanced Organic Synthesis (from MCCB)
  • Organometallic Chemistry
  • Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology
  • Chemical and Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Medicinal Chemistry
  • Environmental Science


Fee for two semesters (1 year) is 20,000 EUR for international students:

  • Direct/billed charges*
    • Tuition 20,000 EUR
    • Room (subsidized) 3,750 EUR
    • Board 3,000 EUR
    • University Fee 120 EUR
    • Semester Tickets 480 EUR
    • Broadcasting Fee 54 EUR
    • Enrollment Deposit (one time only) 500 EUR

Total 27,904 EUR

  • Indirect estimated expenses*
    • Residence Permit 100 EUR
    • Health Insurance  1,260 EUR

Total 1,360 EUR

*All fees are subject to change and this information sheet should be considered a guide only.

Requirements for applicants

Fall 22 admission to Constructor University does not require SAT/ACT. Applicants can skip SAT/ACT. If your high school diploma doesn't grant you straight entrance to a German institution, SAT/ACT may be required for enrollment. Constructor University doesn't require test scores from Abitur graduates. If you don't submit a standardized test, your application will be evaluated based on your personal essay, recommendations, academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and application presentation.

  • Language proficiency test

Test scores might show a non-native speaker's English skills. You'll get a waiver if: 

    • natural English speakers;
    • trained entirely in English for at least 6 years;
    • 600 or higher on Evidence-Based Reading and Writing;
    • 9 or higher on ACT Writing.
  • Motivation statement

About the university

Constructor University is one of the most internationally focused educational institutions in the globe and is located in Bremen, Germany. Since its inception in 2001, the university has attracted a diverse and talented student body from all corners of the globe.

More than 1,500 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 110 countries are presently residing on campus and being prepared for a global career in business and science.

Constructor University has a wide range of degrees that combine different fields of study, from the natural sciences, math, and engineering to the social sciences and economics.

Classes are small, and each professor works as a mentor and academic advisor for each student. From the first year of school, students are interested in research. Constructor University students learn to be responsible global citizens who can use the skills they've learned to make a change in the world.

Mission and goals

University goal is to inspire young, talented people, regardless of nationality, religion, or background, to become global citizens who can assume leadership and responsibility for the future sustainable and peaceful development of humanity through academic education, intensive support, and living together on an international campus.

From this mission statement, Constructor University has deduced four key goals for its educational profile:

  1. Quality is achieved, in part, by early student involvement in research projects, multidisciplinary instruction, and individualized academic mentoring.
  2. Individual development the development of social and self-competence in a diverse community.
  3. Interculturality fostering intercultural competence by residing on a campus with students from more than 110 different countries and learning there.
  4. Competence building providing the specialized and transdisciplinary skills necessary for a successful career in business or science.

Read more about Constructor University, Germany

Bachelor Chemistry Biotechnology Constructor university
Bachelor Chemistry Biotechnology tuition fees
Bachelor Chemistry Biotechnology admission
Bachelor Chemistry Biotechnology degree
Bachelor Chemistry Biotechnology review
Bachelor Chemistry Biotechnology Germany
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