Diploma - Fine Arts

3 years
16,100 EUR/year
Oct 2023
Apr 2023
Madrid / Spain
IED Istituto Europeo di Design

Program description

By devoting yourself to your passion, you'll find your unique voice, rediscover your creative talent, and know how to best present it to prospective clients through this course.

The curriculum consists of several phases, including observation, research, language, and independent work. The goal is to teach you the skills necessary to become a confident presenter of your creative work in the business world. 

In this course, you will learn from lecturers with considerable experience in a number of artistic professions and obtain the information, skills, and resources necessary to make your imprint in the Fine Arts, all while learning how art can coexist with modern technology. 

Program structure

1st YEAR

Studio practice

  • Drawing
  • Sculpture
  • Painting
  • Image
  • Media Arts
  • Performance
  • Art Installation

Critical studies

  • Theory and Research 

Professional practice

  • Art Market

2nd YEAR

Studio practice

  • First assignment 
  • Second assignment 
  • Third assignment 

Critical studies

  • Artist statement
  • Education in Arts

Professional practice

  • Communication 
  • Art studio assistant

3rd YEAR

Studio practice

  • Thesis: Artistic Proposal 

Critical studies

  • Thesis: Theorical Essay 8
  • Residencies, Grants, Competitions

Professional practice

  • Art Exhibition
  • Artist Branding and Social Media


Fee for two semesters (1 year) is 16100.00 EUR for international students

Requirements for applicants

The requirements for admission to the IED Diploma in Fine Arts are:

  • Baccalaureate or equivalent (those who do not have a baccalaureate or equivalent may prove previous experience in the sector or motivation to study).
  • It is recommended to have the level of the First Certificate in English (FCE).

About the university

Since 1966, we have been the largest Higher Education Network in the creative area to keep both a worldwide perspective and a strongly Italian cultural matrix.

Our educational strategy has evolved over time, but at its core remains the same: we mix theoretical study with hands-on experience and the expertise of working experts. One of the things we emphasize in our classes is always thinking ahead, in the here and now. We are a diverse, multidisciplinary institution that views design as a tool for social transformation.

Among the many international academic networks in which we participate are Cumulus, Elia, and WDO, just to name a few.


In the 1970s and 1980s, we expanded to Rome (1973), Cagliari (1984), and Turin (1989) in Italy.

Beginning in 1994 with the Madrid campus and continuing on to Barcelona in 2002, Spain's modern era began in the 1990s.

The Group also spread internationally, establishing a presence in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in 2005, and then in Venice, Italy, in 2007, Florence, Italy, in 2009, and Como, Italy, in 2009, with the acquisition of the Aldo Galli Academy of Fine Arts. The Group expanded its footprint in Brazil in 2014 by renovating the Cassino da Urca and opening a campus in Rio de Janeiro; in 2020, the Group will expand its presence in Spain by purchasing the Centro Superior de Diseo Kunsthal in Bilbao.

Read more about IED Istituto Europeo di Design, Italy, Spain, Brazil

Diploma fine arts Spain
Diploma fine arts apply for international students
Diploma fine arts degree
Diploma fine arts tuition fees
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Diploma fine arts admission
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