Master of Science - Applied Human Nutrition

1 year
17,350 GBP
Sept 2024
May 2024
Oxford / United Kingdom
Oxford Brookes University

Program description

Applied Human Nutrition is a practical, research driven master course. It explains the science behind how humans need to eat from conception to old life.

In all age groups and industries, poor nutrition is contributing to an increase in public health issues. This is particularly evident in young people and the elderly.

In this course, you will look at:

  • the specific problems of global nutrition and the implications for public health
  • the provision of food and nutrients to the body, facilitating optimum physical and mental development and health maintenance

Our Oxford Centre for Nutrition and Health (OxBCNH) is the first functional food research center in the UK. The Center has strong ties with the food industry.

You will get the chance to collaborate with the Oxford Centre for Nutrition and Health as part of your research project.

You can participate in cutting-edge research that aids in the development of new foods with specific nutritional and health benefits by the food sector and the government.

Graduates pursue a range of nutrition-related careers, particularly in:

  • Health Promotion as Food and Health Co-ordinators
  • Industry with Food and Drink Manufacturers and Retailers
  • Medical Food Companies
  • Food Service Providers
  • Trade Associations
  • Government and Policy to Improve the Health of the Population
  • Research in Universities, Food Companies or Research Institutes

Program structure

Year 1

  • Fundamentals of Human Nutrition (20 credits)
  • Food Science (20 credits)
  • Research Methods (20 credits)
  • Nutrition, Physical Activity and Health (20 credits)
  • Global Nutrition and Public Health (20 credits)
  • Health Promotion and Professional Practice Across the Lifespan (20 credits)

Final Project

  • Research Project (60 credits)


  • Tuition Fee - 17,350 GBP

Requirements for applicants

Specific Entry Requirements

  • At least a second class honours degree in a related scientific subject from a recognised institution of higher education

English Language Requirements

  •  IELTS 6.5 with 6.5 in Reading and Writing, and 6.0 in Listening and Speaking

About the university

The history of Oxford Brookes University spans more than 150 years. We began as a modest School of Art in rented classrooms and have expanded into one of the UK's top modern universities with a reputation for distinction in teaching and research on the local, national, and worldwide levels.

Our primary goal is to provide a top-notch educational experience that helps each of our graduates to be competent, self-assured, and prosperous. The standard of instruction students receive is an integral component of this.

Oxford Brookes works with a wide range of partners both domestically and internationally. Our connections are essential to improving our instruction, research, and information sharing. Additionally, they provide our students a wealth of placement, internship, and employment options.

In cooperation with our Associate College Partners as well as directly, we offer a variety of higher education and degree apprenticeships (ACPs).

Read more about Oxford Brookes University

Master Applied Human Nutrition UK
Master Applied Human Nutrition Oxford Brookes
Master Applied Human Nutrition Review
Master Applied Human Nutrition Admission
Master Applied Human Nutrition Tuition fees
Master Applied Human Nutrition Degree
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