Diploma - Digital Marketing Specialist Co-op

2 years
8,400 CAD
Rolling admission
Rolling admission
Toronto / Canada
Toronto School of Management

Program description

Learn from guest lecturers and acquire hands-on experience for transferable skills that are in high demand. After successfully completing the course, you will be prepared to pursue industry-recognized qualifications.

Outcomes of the Program:

  • Create digital marketing initiatives that include presentations, websites, social media, brochures, reports, and newsletters. 
  • Utilize tools like WordPress, HTML and CSS, Google Adwords, and Google Analytics. 
  • Improve your writing skills and develop promotional material. 
  • Conduct surveys to discover important stakeholders' interests and concerns. 
  • Create, optimize, and evaluate Google Ads and Bing Ads PPC campaigns. 
  • Earn a credential from the Digital Marketing Institute. 
  • Add Canadian job experience to your resume. 
  • Co-op or Capstone placement


Program structure

Program modules

  • Introduction to Marketing and Branding
  • Google SEO
  • Website Building and Design for Marketers
  • Google Analytics
  • Managing Social Media Sponsored Campaigns*
  • Pay Per Click Marketing with Google Ads*
  • Campaign Management, Regulations and Compliance
  • Copywriting
  • Work Placement

*These certifications are offered by Google/Facebook respectively and exam fees may apply


Tuition fees for international students

  • Tuition Fees 7,500 CAD
  • Book Fees 750 CAD
  • Registration Fee 150 CAD
  • Total Fees 8,400 CAD

Requirements for applicants

Admission requirements

  • Have an Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent or be at least 18 years of age and pass the Wonderlic test.

English language Proficiency

  • Successful completion of TSoM EAP Level 4 or
  • Have the required IELTS 5.5 score or equivalent or
  • Pass the TSoM English Assessment (Written onsite or online with exam proctor)

Computer Expectations

To succeed in Toronto School of Management (TSoM), you should have a PC or laptop. TSoM provides access to university computer laboratories, although availability is not assured and certain software may not be accessible.


About the university

Welcome to Toronto School of Management (TSoM), a cutting-edge postsecondary institution that provides a wide range of career-focused courses in accounting, hospitality, and business administration. 
To promote the success of our students and communities, we offer up-to-date, pertinent programs that place a strong emphasis on applied learning.

We provide:

  • Industry partnerships to aid in the development of community-responsive, career-focused education and training. 
  • Delivering a broad range of certificates that cover many different fields. 
  • Effective learning paths that acknowledge your prior learning while assisting you in building on your credentials. 
  • Through our distinctive mix of theoretical, practical, and broad learning, including work experience and numerous chances for experiential learning and entrepreneurship, we promote innovation and entrepreneurship.

Read more about Toronto School of Management, Canada

Diploma Digital Marketing Specialist Co-op Toronto
Diploma Digital Marketing Specialist Co-op degree
Diploma Digital Marketing Specialist Co-op tuition fees
Diploma Digital Marketing Specialist Co-op admission
Diploma Digital Marketing Specialist Co-op Canada
Diploma Digital Marketing Specialist Co-op review
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