Studying Electrical Engineering Abroad: Countries, Cost, Universities, and Colleges

Electrical Engineering is a crucial engineering discipline that plays a fundamental role in the modern world. Studying Electrical Engineering abroad provides students to gain international experience, acquire new skills and knowledge, build an international network of contacts, and lay the foundation for a successful career in electrical engineering.

Studying Electrical Design and Engineering abroad includes the study of electronics, electrical machines, control systems, power electronics, microprocessor systems, and related disciplines. 

Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering Abroad

Students aiming to obtain a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering abroad must be prepared for a competitive environment and high candidate requirements. Admission conditions may vary depending on the country and educational institution, but there are several common criteria that applicants must meet:

  1. Completion of secondary education (diploma or equivalent document) with good grades. High academic achievement in Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science is important;
  2. Proficiency in the English language at a level sufficient for studying in an English-language program. Usually, candidates need to provide IELTS or TOEFL exam results;
  3. A motivation letter in which the candidate explains their interest in studying electrical engineering and presents their readiness;
  4. Letters of recommendation from teachers;
  5. CV or resume containing information about previous education, work experience or internships, achievements, and participation in projects related to electrical engineering or related fields.

The application process for a bachelor's program in electrical engineering includes the following steps:

  1. Researching available programs and universities. Students should explore educational institutions, their rankings, specializations, tuition fees and other factors to choose the right option.
  2. Document preparation. Gather the necessary documents in advance.
  3. Application submission. Applicants submit their applications for participation in the program through online forms on the websites of educational institutions or through specialized platforms. In some cases, sending documents by mail or courier service may be required. It is important to consider application deadlines and ensure that all documents are submitted on time.
  4. Waiting for the decision of the admission committee. After submitting the application, students will have to wait for the decision of the admission committee, which can take from several weeks to several months. During this time, students can research potential sources of funding, such as scholarships, grants or loans.
  5. Receiving the decision. In the case of a positive decision by the committee, students will receive an official letter offering participation in the program. Students should promptly confirm their acceptance of the offer and begin preparations for relocation, including visa arrangements and searching for rental accommodation.

Master's in Electrical Engineering Abroad 

A Master's degree in Electrical Engineering is an educational program aimed to prepare specialists who develop and improve systems related to electricity, electronics, and electrical engineering.

General requirements for admission to a Master's program in Electrical Engineering abroad: 

  1. Completion of a Bachelor's Degree: Applicants must have a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering or related disciplines (such as electronics, computer science). In some cases, students with other Engineering or Technical Degrees may be accepted if their educational background aligns with the field of Electrical Engineering.
  2. High GPA: Universities usually require students to have a high grade point average (GPA) during their undergraduate studies. This can be expressed as a GPA, percentage or other national grading systems.
  3. English language proficiency: Most international programs conducted in English require proof of English language proficiency. Students can provide exam results, such as IELTS, TOEFL or other similar tests, that meets the minimum requirements of the Master's program.
  4. Letters of recommendation: Candidates are required to provide 2-3 recommendation letters from professors, research supervisors, or employers, confirming their academic and professional achievements.
  5. Statement of purpose: Students should explain their motivation for choosing the Master's program, describe their academic and professional goals and explain why they consider themselves suitable candidates.

  1. Review the requirements and deadlines of the program at the university of interest.
  2. Gather all the necessary documents, translate and notarize them if required by the university.
  3. Register on the online platform of the chosen university or, if applicable, on a centralized application platform for multiple universities.
  4. Fill out the application form, provide personal information, and share details about achievements and future plans.
  5. Upload the required documents and submit the application.
  6. Pay the application fee if required by the university.
  7. Track the status of your application and regularly check your email for correspondence from the university.
  8. Prepare for interviews or exams if required as part of the Master's program admission process.

Wait for the admission committee's decision and, if successful in completing all the stages, confirm your participation in the Master's program and proceed with obtaining a student visa if necessary.

Admission to a program in Electrical Engineering at foreign universities and colleges requires careful preparation and adherence to specific requirements. Obtaining education abroad can be an excellent opportunity for students to receive high-quality education, gain international experience and become qualified professionals in the field of electrical engineering.

Specialization in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering

Today, many universities and colleges offer a wide range of specializations in Electrical Engineering that help students develop in this field. Let's list the main directions:

  1. Electrical Power and Supply — specialization that focuses on the creation, design, operation, and maintenance of power supply systems. Students study electrical networks, means and methods of power transmission, energy conservation, and the economics of energy systems.
  2. Automation and Control — specialization aimed at creating, developing, and managing automatic control systems. Students study automatic regulation, production control systems, process monitoring and diagnostics, as well as industrial robotics.
  3. Electronics and Microelectronics — specialization that focuses on the design, development, and production of electronic devices. Students acquire knowledge in the development of microchips, printed circuit boards, integrated circuits, automatic control systems and sensors.
  4. Electrical Machines and Equipment — specialization aimed at designing and developing electrical machines, electric motors, generators, and other electrical power devices. Students study the principles of operation of machines, methods of calculation, modeling and optimization.
  5. Communication Systems and Networks — specialization that focuses on the study of communication systems and information transmission. Students acquire knowledge in the design and development of telecommunication systems, communication networks and information security.
  6. Electrical Measurements and Instruments — specialization aimed at studying methods of measuring and controlling electrical parameters and characteristics. Students acquire knowledge in the development of electrical measuring instruments, methods of processing measurement data, as well as standards and norms in the field of measurements.
  7. Energy Efficiency and Alternative Energy Sources — specialization that focuses on studying methods and technologies aimed at improving energy efficiency and using alternative energy sources. Students study modern energy-saving technologies, energy systems based on renewable energy sources, as well as their economic and environmental aspects.
  8. Robotics and Automated Systems — specialization aimed at the development and creation of robotic systems and automated devices. Students study the design and principles of operation of robots, programming their movements and actions, as well as methods of control and monitoring.
  9. Industrial Electronics and Automation — specialization that focuses on studying industrial electronics, automation, and control of production processes. Students acquire knowledge in the design and development of control systems for industrial equipment, automatic diagnostic, and control systems, as well as mechanisms for data transmission and processing.
  10. Computer-Aided Design and Modeling — specialization aimed at studying modern methods of designing and modeling technical systems using computer technologies. Students acquire knowledge in working with CAD programs, creating 3D models and simulating production processes, as well as analyzing and optimizing technical systems.

Each of these specializations provides a unique set of knowledge and skills necessary for work in the Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering industries. The choice of a specific specialization depends on the student's interests, hobbies, and professional goals.

Best Universities in the World for Electrical Engineering

Many universities around the world offer education in the field of electrical engineering, but some of them deserve special attention due to the high quality of education, opportunities for participation in scientific research, and international recognition.

Below is a table of the best universities in the world for Electrical Engineering according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject for the year 2022:


Year Founded

Major Areas of Study



Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Communication

Stanford, USA


Microelectronics, Nanotechnology, Power Systems, Communication, Optics

UC Berkeley, USA


Radio Engineering, Circuit Design, Power Systems, Information Technology

NTU, Singapore


Radio Engineering, Microelectronics, Power Systems, Communication, Optics

ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Microelectronics, Power Systems, Communication, Optics, Automation

Cambridge, UK


Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Communication

NUS, Singapore


Microelectronics, Power Systems, Communication, Optics, Biomedicine

Oxford, UK


Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Communication

EPFL, Switzerland


Microelectronics, Power Systems, Communication, Optics, Robotics

Caltech, USA


Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Quantum Technologies, Optics, Communication

Tsinghua University, China


Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Communication


Careers in Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering and mechanical engineering are two important fields that provide numerous career development opportunities. Specialists in these fields are in demand in various industries such as automotive, aerospace, energy, and others. Education in these fields allows graduates to engage in the development, design, and technical support of electrical and mechanical equipment.

The table below presents the level of salaries in the largest regions of the world and the number of job vacancies.


Average salary (in local currency)

Number of job vacancies


75 000 - 85 000 CAD

5 000


80 000 - 90 000 USD

20 000

United Kingdom

45 000 - 55 000 GBP

8 000


90 000 - 100 000 AUD

3 500

Taking into account the average salaries and number of job vacancies in different countries, it can be concluded that the demand for specialists in electrical engineering and mechanical engineering will persist in the coming years. This provides stability and growth prospects for those who choose this profession. It is also important to stay updated with new technologies and industry developments to remain a sought-after professional in the job market.

Frequently Asked Questions

MIT, Stanford, Cambridge, and ETH Zurich are just some of the world's universities that offer quality education in the field of Electrical Engineering.

Various degrees are offered abroad, such as Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate degrees in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.

The curriculum includes subjects such as electrical engineering, electronics, mechanics, automation, materials science, thermodynamics and many others.

Requirements may include a high school diploma, English language proficiency (IELTS, TOEFL), standardized test scores (SAT, ACT), and a statement of purpose or recommendation letters from teachers.

The cost of education varies significantly depending on the university and country, but on average, it ranges from $10,000 - $50,000 per year for Bachelor's and Master's programs.

Yes, many universities and government organizations offer scholarships for international students pursuing programs in Electrical Engineering. Conditions and requirements may vary.

In most cases, knowledge of the English language is mandatory as most programs are taught in English. However, some universities may offer programs in other languages depending on the country.

Bachelor's programs typically take 3-4 years, Master's programs take 1-2 years, and a Doctorate can take 3-6 years, depending on the university and research work involved.

Academic achievements and the candidate's motivation play a significant role. Work experience can be an advantage but is usually not a mandatory requirement for admission. It is recommended to check the specific requirements of the university you plan to apply to.

Graduates can work in positions such as electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, research engineer and system developer.

Leonid Kurza